We are author distributor of Tomker’s Taiwan in Vietnam- provides the industrial lubricants and CNC cyclical cleaning equipments.
1/ Dầu thủy lực, dầu cắt gọt, dầu máy CNC :
2/ Thiết bị lọc dầu AC-1 Coolant Purify Machine :
3/ Máy hút phôi mạt cắt AC-2 Multi-Chip Vacuum Cleaner :
4/ Contact details:
Mail: admin@viettool.com.vn , sale@viettool.com.vn
Website: viettool.com.vn , vietcnc.vn
Tel: 0909 557 911 / 024 6680 9857
Add: no.23, 419/8 Linh Nam street, Linh Nam ward, Hoang Mai dist, Ha Noi
Please Visit Us At Booth in Dong Nai: A01