ITG Technology.,JSC is a tech-based pioneer in the field of developing ERP & Smart Factory Solutions in Vietnam. With a mission of being accompanied with customers in digital transformation by optimizing S-Q-C-D goals to create smarter enterprises, ITG’s 4.0 solutions are bringing values to more than 1200 large domestic and international corporate customers. The company also honored many prestigious awards such as: Sao Khue (2021 – 2023), i4.0 Award (2022-2023), Hanoi’s Key Industrial Products (2022)…
Business Areas:
Provide Technology Solutions, Information Technology Services, Digital Transformation Consultation for Enterprises
3S ERP Enterprise resource planning solution
3S ERP helps connect the entire core operating process, to increase labor productivity and reduce risks due to information breakdown. Therefore, businesses can easily plan and optimize resources such as Finance, Human Resources, Raw Materials, Machinery, etc. The solution includes 6 core modules and 3 extended modules. 6 core modules: – Production management – Purchasing management – Sales management – Financial & accounting management – Inventory management – Smart Production Planning 3S SPS 3 extended modules: – Human resource management: 3S HXM – Customer relationship management: 3S CRM – Distribution management system: 3S DMS
3S iFACTORY Smart Factory Solution
3S iFACTORY is designed according to international standards ISA-95 and 4.0 technologies, helping to digitally transform the entire factory. Therefore, departments have full information to propose solutions to improve important indicators including: S-Q-C-D ((Speed, Quality, Cost, Delivery). A solution to manage the entire flow from input to output in real time, through 10 Modules including: – 3S SPS: Production planning axis – WMS: Smart Warehouse Management – MES: Manufacturing & Execution System – QMS: Quality management – MMS: Maintenance management – OEE: Overall equipment performance – EMS: Energy management – IIOTHUB: Connectivity & Data collection – Factory Insight: Visualize shopfloor – 3S BIZHUB: Smart reporting
3S WMS Smart Warehouse Solution
The smart warehouse management solution helps businesses get an overview of warehouse operations in real time. The solution applies QR Code, RFID, Pick to light and IoT devices, helping to improve the process in the warehouse, supporting the management of end-to-end operations directly at the warehouse, including inbound warehousing, outbound warehousing, locating goods, checking inventory…
• Event Date: 6-8/11/2024
• Location: Kinh Bac Cultural Center, Bac Ninh
• Number of booths: 594